Advanced Riding

What does becoming a more skilful rider mean to you? Better road positioning? Enhanced observation skills? Or simply greater bike control?

Whichever aspect of riding you’re looking to improve, the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Riding course brings your skills up to an advanced level, helping you to get more out of riding and preparing you for any on-road scenario.

For the course, you’ll be paired with one of our highly skilled Observers, themselves Advanced Riders who hold an additional Institute of the Motor Industry qualification.

Over a series of observed rides, you’ll develop your core riding skills and learn how to continuously apply the ‘IPSGA’ framework (Information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration)  to a variety of on-road situations including: slow riding, bends, motorways, and overtaking.

When you’re ready, your Observer will put you forward for your Advanced Test with an IAM RoadSmart Examiner. Upon completion, you’ll gain ‘Advanced Rider’ and ‘IAM RoadSmart Member’ status. This is just the start of your journey, and opens a whole new world of opportunities to you.