
Monthly Meetings

We meet at Fradley Village Hall on the first Sunday of every month at 10:00AM. Refreshments are available for a small fee (breakfast baps & tea/coffee) - if it's your first time attending, your bap and drink are free!

Each monthly meeting includes a keynote/demonstration, presentation of recent test pass certificates, review of group events (mid-month runs, biker breakfasts, etc.), and most importantly, a quiz!

Mid-Month Runs

Every month we have a mid-month run; a group ride for full members (+ associate members with consent from their observer) to take in the vistas England has to offer (rain or shine!). The destinations may be familiar, but the routes to get there and back won't be! Our ride-outs team aim to provide a motorcycle-friendly route on each run: save the highways for the cars!

Observed Rides

Depending on the time of the year, we will operate a weekly observed ride event, provided by our training team and typically hosted/started from McDonald's at Wall Island, Lichfield. During BST, we operate on Monday evenings; during GMT we operate on Saturday mornings. New and existing members are welcome to attend these events to further their progression - never stop learning!

Staffordshire Biker Breakfasts

During the riding season, we work alongside Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership at the Biker Breakfast events throughout Staffordshire. These are extremely popular events with plenty of vendors and things to see and do.

Social Nights

Our events team organise a social night usually once a month. They will find (and test!) a place serving good food and drink, and provide the details in advance to make a booking. These events are a great opportunity to meet with likeminded individuals outside of the riding/training aspect of the group.